Processing trauma

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is when something really difficult happens in your life that can leave lasting emotional scars. It can be a significant event like a serious accident, a natural disaster, or losing someone you love. But trauma can also come from smaller, ongoing experiences like a breakup, being bullied, or feeling rejected. The key thing to understand is that trauma makes it feel like those tough things are still happening to you, even though they happened in the past. It’s like carrying those heavy feelings with you. These feelings are real, and it’s important to know that they matter. If you’ve been through something like this, it’s absolutely okay to seek help and support to heal and feel better.

Symptoms of trauma and PTSD may include

  • Avoiding people, places, or situations that remind you of a past situation

  • Sudden feelings of panic that come out of the blue

  • Feeling hyper-vigilant to danger, and feeling as if you are constantly anticipating something bad will happen

  • Experiencing nightmares

  • Trouble falling or staying asleep

  • Feeling persistently tired, lethargic, or depressed

  • Feeling shame about who you are as a person

  • Difficulty trusting others

  • Engaging in unhealthy relationships

  • Feeling numb and disconnected from the body

How I treat trauma

As a therapist, I draw on the groundbreaking insights from Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's seminal work, 'The Body Keeps the Score,' which has revolutionized our understanding of trauma. Having received specialized training in this approach, I have honed the ability to guide individuals through the intricate journey of trauma recovery.

My approach centers on the idea that trauma is not only stored in the mind but also in the body, manifesting in various physical and emotional symptoms. Through mindfulness techniques and journaling exercises, I work with individuals to help them identify and process their traumatic experiences as events from the past. By bringing awareness to the mind-body connection and using these powerful tools, we can unravel the grip that trauma has on their lives.

Together, we explore the transformative potential of these practices, fostering healing and resilience. It's my commitment to support individuals on their path to reclaiming their well-being and building a brighter future beyond the shadows of their past trauma.

Are You Ready For Change?

Set up a free call so I can learn more about you and how I can assist you.